Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Experiences with speculative fiction magazine submissions

Hello Internet.
I've been trying my hand at writing short stories for the last 2 years and figured it was time to start chronicling my adventures to help others on the same journey. Toward this end, I've decided to do a data dump that shows where I've applied and the responses I've received. I'm only including the top few for each category.

Total Rejections: ~90
Total Acceptances: 0

Speculative Fiction Market:
1. Fantasy & Science Fiction Magazine: 2 rejected subs; 3rd sub pending.
2. Clarkesworld Magazine: 8 rejected subs
3. Strange Horizons: 4 rejected subs; 5th sub pending. I've also applied to be a first reader.
4. Shimmer Magazine: 5 rejected subs.

1. I placed as a semi-finalist in the 3rd quarter of the 2014 Writers of the Future Contest (
2. I was personally rejected by the editors at The Missouri Review and invited to submit another story for consideration. I am currently working on a story that I am hopeful they will accept.

Places where I received a personal note/feedback:
1. The Missouri Review
2. Writers of the Future
3. Bastion Magazine
4. Fiction Vortex
5. Apocrypha and Abstractions
6. Five Chapters
7. Interzone

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